Yank, the Army Weekly was the most widely read magazine during WWII, achieving a worldwide circulation of 2.6 million. It was written only by enlisted soldiers and made available to soldiers, sailors, and airmen serving overseas. Published between June 1942 and December 1945, it featured articles and photography straight from the battlefield. And of course, every issue of Yank featured a morale-boosting pinup girl!
I collaborated on a series of photos with Doug Monce of Atomic Age Pictures that were inspired by Yank, as well as a photo of Veronica Lake in military garb. I'm wearing a WAC skirt that is dated 1943--since I found it I've been wanting to wear it for a shoot! The rest of my uniform is of course borrowed from a vintage man's uniform, but I think the overall look turned out well. I also recently picked up a sweetheart compact shaped like an officer's cap, and couldn't resist incorporating it. A girl has to keep her nose powdered, after all!
Amanda Lee